Should We Fear The Flu, or COVID-19
Dec 23, 2022 By Madison Evans

SARS-CoV-2 generates symptoms similar to other diseases, making it difficult for clinicians to diagnose and treat COVID-19 patients. Thus, the symptoms of COVID-19 infection, such as fever, dry cough, and headache, may also be connected to other illnesses, such as allergies, the flu, or even the common cold.

But there's more; COVID-19 has been associated with gastrointestinal difficulties, which are symptoms of the stomach flu, which is appropriately called gastroenteritis.

How Similar Are the Symptoms of the Stomach Flu and COVID-19?

First, realize that gastroenteritis, sometimes known as the "stomach flu," is not true influenza. If your intestinal lining is irritated, you'll likely have gastroenteritis. 1 Virus, parasites, and bacteria are all possible causes.

You've probably experienced it or been around someone who has: MedlinePlus ranks viral gastroenteritis as the nation's second most frequent ailment.

Direct contact with an infected person or ingesting contaminated food or water are the two most common modes of transmission. Here are some of the signs that you may have gastroenteritis:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ache
  • Fever

How Do You Tell If It's the Stomach Flu or COVID-19?

If you have a fever, throw up, and have diarrhoea, how can you tell which one you have? Cory Fisher, DO, a family medicine specialist at Cleveland Clinic, told Health that the answer isn't black and white. Dr Fisher said that the key to distinguishing gastroenteritis from COVID-19 was to keep an eye out for upper respiratory symptoms and a loss of taste and smell.

Dr Fisher said that there is a great deal of overlap in the symptoms of these diseases but that a preponderance of upper respiratory symptoms, cough and a distinct lack of taste or smell characterizes COVID-19.

Health quoted Tania Elliott, MD, an infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone, saying that chest symptoms are another sign that you may be dealing with COVID-19 rather than the stomach flu.

Dr Elliott elaborated, "Patients do not normally have these symptoms with the stomach flu." "There are other symptoms more particular to COVID-19," he said, "including loss of taste and smell, cough, or chest pains."

COVID-19 pandemic food poisoning or stomach flu therapy

You may do a few things at home to alleviate the symptoms of food poisoning or the stomach flu if they are mild to moderate. You can treat food poisoning and the stomach flu with these tried-and-true home remedies:


Dehydration can result from symptoms including vomiting and diarrhoea. Ensure you consume enough fluids, especially those high in electrolytes like coconut water, fruit juice, and sports drinks.

Making use of a heating pad

Apply a heating pad to your stomach for 15 minutes to relieve abdominal discomfort and relax your stomach muscles.

Eating Ginger And Mint

Mint and ginger may assist with motion sickness. The herbs are available both as dietary supplements and as tea.

Herbal Tea

Teas made from liquorice, fennel, and chamomile can help settle an upset stomach. Dehydration, severe symptoms, or symptoms that don't improve after a few days are all reasons to see a doctor.

Among the signs of dehydration are:

  • less need to urinate
  • dry lips, throat, and mouth
  • vertigo on standing
  • dehydration
  • fatigue

Taking A COVID-19 Test

If you have had symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has, the CDC advises testing for the virus. A simple nose swab self-test can offer speedy results. Results from a laboratory test using saliva or a nasal swab are available in 1–3 days.

Lab tests are often more reliable than self-tests. Waiting for test results is the perfect time to rest and recuperate at home. The following are some at-home therapies that may be used to combat COVID-19, which are similar to those used against other viruses:

  • ensuring sufficient rest
  • drinking enough
  • treating digestive issues with prebiotics and probiotics
  • acetaminophen for headaches, body pains, and fever
  • reducing fever with the use of cold packs for 15-minute intervals


Since their symptoms are identical, it might be difficult to tell the difference between food poisoning, stomach flu, and COVID-19. Fortunately, food poisoning and the stomach flu are usually treatable with bed rest, plenty of fluids, and some essential home treatments.

Make an appointment with a doctor if your symptoms worsen or don't improve in a few days. A proper diagnosis, identifying any contributing factors, and selecting appropriate treatment options are all within their purview.

If you have symptoms and suspect COVID-19, take the standard measures and isolate yourself. Do the testing right away.