The Treatment For Appendicitis: What You Need To Know
Dec 20, 2022 By Madison Evans

The inflamed appendix is often surgically removed as part of the therapy for appendicitis. To prevent infection during surgery, antibiotics may be prescribed beforehand. When the appendix becomes inflamed or infected, it is called appendicitis. In humans, the appendix is a tiny tube-shaped structure connected to the big intestine. The appendix's function is unknown. However, appendicitis is always a medical emergency. A surgical procedure called an appendectomy is often used to remove a diseased appendix.

What Is Appendicitis?

An appendix, a tiny tube about the size of a finger, may be found at the junction of the large and small intestines. It doesn't have a known purpose and requires emergency care only when inflamed or infected (appendicitis). Pain is possible, but not certain if your appendix is inflamed. Or it might suddenly rupture, resulting in excruciating agony. When an appendix ruptures, germs may spread throughout the abdomen. The illness they cause, termed peritonitis, may be lethal if left untreated.

Acute Appendicitis

Appendicitis may be mild or severe, but it can come on quickly and severely in cases of acute appendicitis. Most affected are youths and young adults under the age of 30. More common in men than in women, according to a Reliable Source. Over a day, pain is known to progress and worsen rapidly. This is a medical emergency and has to be dealt with right now. It may lead to an appendix rupture if not managed. The resulting complications may be life-threatening at worst. Approximately 7 to 9 percent of all Americans will have acute appendicitis at some point in their lives. Please find out more about the conditions and their similarities and differences.

Chronic Appendicitis

On the whole, acute appendicitis is more prevalent than its chronic counterpart. This condition affects only approximately 1.5% of those with chronic appendicitis. In chronic appendicitis, symptoms may be modest, and the condition is assumed to develop after an episode of acute appendicitis. Over weeks, months, or even years, symptoms might fade and then resurface. The diagnosis of this kind of appendicitis might be difficult. Acute appendicitis might be the result of a delay in diagnosis. Appendicitis that lasts too long might be harmful. Learn the symptoms of this ailment and how to treat them.

What Is The Treatment For Appendicitis?

Appendectomy is a surgery that is required for most patients who have appendicitis. A diseased appendix is removed. Even if the appendix hasn't burst yet, surgery may stop an infection from spreading to other body parts. Intravenous antibiotics are given to prevent infection before surgery. Antibiotics alone may cure some instances of mild appendicitis. When deciding whether or not surgery is necessary, your doctor will conduct a careful observation period. When the appendix ruptures, it causes an abdominal infection that can only be treated by surgery. Most appendectomy surgeries may be performed laparoscopically. A laparoscope is inserted via a tiny incision to operate. This less-invasive method facilitates speedier recovery with less discomfort. If your appendix bursts, you could require emergency abdominal surgery.

What Problems Are Associated With Appendicitis?

A sick appendix might explode if left untreated. The infection that results from an appendix that has burst may be very dangerous, if not fatal. Problems might arise from:


An abscess, or a pocket of infected pus, may form in the appendix. Your doctor will insert tubes to drain fluid from your abdomen. To prepare for surgery, fluid from the abscess is drained using these catheters. In certain cases, drainage might take up to a week. To prevent further infection, antibiotics must be taken during this period. As soon as the abscess drains, you'll undergo surgery to remove your appendix.

Abdominal Infection:

If the infection spreads to the rest of the abdomen, the result might be fatal peritonitis. A laparotomy is performed to access the abdomen and remove the infected appendix.


When an appendix ruptures, bacteria may enter the circulation. Sepsis, a life-threatening infection, may result. When you have sepsis, inflammation spreads throughout your body. It may prove lethal. This infection is only treatable in a hospital setting with powerful medications.


An obstruction causes the inflammation that characterizes appendicitis. Its onset might be sudden or gradual, acute or chronic. Appendicitis is the most frequent medical emergency in the United States. Authentic Reference to the root of the problem that necessitated abdominal surgery. In the United States, up to 9 percent of the population may be affected. The appendix consists of a tiny pouch that is connected to the gut. It may be found on the right side of your lower stomach. A clogged appendix is an ideal environment for the growth of germs. Pus development and subsequent swelling may result in uncomfortable pressure inside the abdominal cavity. Blood clots may also form due to appendicitis. Appendicitis may lead to an appendectomy if not addressed. This may lead to the dangerous and deadly release of microorganisms into the abdominal cavity.